Mir Taimour Ali Talpur Feature bs part III Roll 107

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Carnivals of Muslims

Human beings have always been categorized through their race, religion and their way of conducting life. Islam is one of the most practiced religions in the world by having larger sum of masses from different region of world with the mixture of a bit of traditions from the local places people are inhabited to. Primarily Muslims are obligated to two main events for celebrating joy and happiness are EID’s. (Eid-ul-Azha and Eid-uluFitar).
However Eid’s are mainly religious events, they are allowed to follow the rituals of their homeland and traditions coming through their cultures to increase happiness but within some boundaries, for example not to exceed the financial limits.
In Pakistan, despite Eid’s people often encourage the festivals held in seasons such as basant (kite-flying), at the start of spring. Initially the festival began from the northern areas (Khyber- Pakhtunkhuwa) as Pakhtun culture has been renowned for their warrior spirit, People love flying kites with a thread woven with dried glass which often leads to deep cut into their fingers yet it doesn’t affect people’s love for kites. Yaqoob, a truck driver aged 40 says I have always loved flying kites since I was kid and I'm still use to fly kites, the thought of colorful birds in sky overwhelms my soul even as old man today.
This trend has also given a plummeted rise to several accidents and incidents which led government to ban these festivals for an instance throat slit through thread of kite or over-bleeding by finger cuts has also led people into emergencies. Yet whatever brings happiness and joy people keep on doing it so basant is one of the carnivals pupil cannot stop celebrating here in Pakistan.
Furthermore, the nation is also really fond of celebrating birthday and death anniversaries of their spiritual teachers they call “Murshids” as Islam has been practiced in two dimensions one in obligatory path other is Sufi path which means that people who have followed Sufi path tend to be friends with God and are slightly a rank higher than them. So most of the people belonging to well to-do families have their faiths in such directions, they contribute their wealth and donate a great amount in order to sustain these partial monarch systems in rural areas of Pakistan.
For those who lead these partial monarchies celebrate Urs death annivarsaries  of the sufi dervish like Shah Bhittai or Sachal Sarmast where people participate in thousands and perform various segments like singing called kalam and dance called dhamal just to honour their spiritual teachers with love and humble words spoken in kalam and devotion in dance to feel god within them.
Also, while listening they might sound simple but are condemned to be one of the most donation carrier event round the world a people believe they  give more and more of their wealth in such causes. Studies show that these events are usually costed around billions which is afforded by commoners. Donation are quiet affordable enough to feed nearly 2 lac people are once in these mela’s.
This may sound insane but all these carnivals have been playing a vital role in the history of Pakistan and have its own geographical importance which is undeniable. Muslims highly encourage these events as they consider them to be the source of meeting God and granting them their desirous wishes. Yet some among them deny the idea of Sufism but there is still a large number of people following the carnivals where most of the feelings are expressed freely and they enjoy differnt carnivals.


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