Haq Nawaz Odho Rewised Feature

Prick of the conscience for a prick-teaser was somewhat strange but she got entrapped.
Being well-dressed in accentuating clothes and drawing the gazes of both the sexes gave her a
sigh of relief. Talking to Ali one day and to Ahad the next day; thus she enjoyed.
Naturally blessed with slim body and a fair height; she could easily seduce hundreds of the new arrivals at the university. None could know her purpose behind doing it all. Despite her such leanings, she was, surprisingly, a chaste immune from any unnecessary prick.
Walking proudly as if would tunnel through the corridor or rival the double-story building of
Art Faculty. Lust-propelled poster-happy boys usually found to be salivating behind her but none
could rip up her chastity. Belonging to a well-to-do family, she even afforded a personal Honda
City car atthe university. She would come to department driving herself wearing attractive sun-glasses
Calling herself liberal and open-minded, she enjoyed everything no matter whether it is true
feelings or relationships. Never bothered to take anything seriously; she was God-gifted with
unique talent. Though not being much hardworking yet managed to pass all the subjects and
obtained degree within time. Those who chased her, returned to their homes with heavy heaps
of improves and failures. On enquiring what you like the most in your life? Her response was
weird rather heart-rending: playing with male innocents’ true feelings. Adding further, she said,
“Boys seek my contact number and text with an evil intention. And I, too, pose like having the very
intention. They then salivate and put off their clothes on phone. Doing so is my routine.”
She retained such routine for two years and fell in actual love in 3rd year. It was the turning point
and intermission of her university life. A guy, not so handsome, stole her heart making her compelledto chase behind him the same way as others used to behind her at some point of time. Salman was in 2nd year, one year junior to her. Uroosa then likely seen trying and prying
along the corridors for having a glance at Salman but she failed often.
She gave up all her stupid activities to bring Salman closer but was to no benefit.
One day, Salman was having a tea at Magsi Canteen; suddenly Uroosa popped up there and
proposed him in public. Salman went pale and lashed out at her.
After smashing of doors on her face by Salman, she ended up addicted to every intoxicating doses , like wine, heroine, cigarette, opium, etc. within one year, she lost her beauty and went
psychopath. She left driving her car and there was an inch of dust on its surface; its tiers got deflated
. She stepped into final year yet couldn’t convince herself to forget Salman. The gap got
widened due to various stupidities of her. Sitting around one table for hitting at least the little
knitting was even not possible. She always thought of having the magic wand to turn him her
lover but these ideals didn’t work out any feasibility. Despite her all possible efforts, she couldn’t
succeed and degree tenure finished with unfinished love.
What goes around comes around. Salman entered the final and Uroosa had passed the university
as she was one year senior to him. Even afterwards she kept trying his contact number but got
any response Salman’s side. Resultantly, she lost her senses and even went to the emotional
length of writing Salman’s name on her body with blade making herself deadly red with blood.
Her parents even took her to various psychiatrists but she didn’t lend her ear to them even for
a while. Clutching at the straws, they approached the quacks to cure their daughter’s traumatic
disorder but all was in vain. Failing to see any sense of hope in air, she took an extreme step and
committed suicide. But before hanging herself, she wrote a long-detailed letter to Salman asking him
for forgiveness. Thus she breathed her last giving a lesson of how intellect and logic are
enslaved by emotions and feelings.
The letter was dispatched to Salman by Uroosa’s parents. While reading, Salman couldn’t stop his tear flowing from his eyes. His heart softened and he approached her parents to make him know the whereabouts of her grave. He took a floral wreath and a bunch of rose-petals to lay
upon Uroosa’s grave. Salman finally realized his mistake and swore never to marry in his life
compensating for the ignorance he showed to Uroosa. Even as of now after five years,
whenever I take her name, Salman burst out weeping uncontrollably.
Given the above situation and its heart-wrenching unbearable consequences, we must be unduly  careful while dealing with emotions. It is a very sensitive matter usually leading to
mental torture and suicidal attempts.            
  HAQ NAWAZ UDHO     2K18/MMC/12

Practical work conducted under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi 
Department of Media &Communication Studies, University of Sindh 


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